Unlawful Police Stops in GA
The Marietta Defense Attorneys at Henrickson & Sereebutra are Here For You
If you were charged and arrested for a crime such as a DUI after being unlawfully stopped by a law enforcement officer, you may be able to fight the charges made against you with the help of Marietta DUI lawyers. Thanks to the Fourth Amendment in the U.S. Constitution, all Americans are protected from being searched unless there is a probable cause to do so.
This means that if a law enforcement official stops you unlawfully, they have violated your constitutional rights, which could result in a dismissal of any charges made against you.
What is probable cause?
Probable cause refers to any indication that may make a person believe that you are breaking the law. A law enforcement officer cannot legally pull you over at random, or for leaving a bar or restaurant late at night without having a valid reason to do so.
Some driving behaviors that could give a law enforcement officer probable cause to stop you include:
- Disobeying traffic laws
- Speeding
- Weaving between lanes
- Reckless driving
- Driving too slowly
- Breaking erratically
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